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'Faculty Fathers'

New book seeks to shine light on the challenges dads face while trying to balance their home and work lives.

Grading Teacher Prep

Obama administration's proposed regulation would cut off TEACH Grant eligibility to poorly performing programs at colleges and universities.

Questions of Character

An ancient literary genre meets modern academe: Scott McLemee considers a recent "typology of scholars."

Extra-Credit Creationism?

Georgia Southern U. is looking into claims that a history professor is pushing his own anti-evolution views in his classes at the public university.

Where the Time Goes

New analysis suggests that time to degree for Ph.D.s may not be as lengthy as some assume, and that the key to shorter humanities doctorates may be coursework, not the dissertation.

Winning Raises Without Contracts?

Union activity can lead to gains for adjuncts even when drives stall, fail or just loom.

Assessing Assessment

Current efforts devalue learning and the responsibility of students for their own success, writes Christopher B. Nelson.

The N-Word, in Class

Black law students at Mercer seek removal of professor who used slur repeatedly.