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Introducing a New Column

Kerry Ann Rockquemore answers the questions she most often receives from minority scholars launching their careers.

Policing Sexuality

A recently discovered letter and a new book reveal a dark side of American law enforcement. Scott McLemee investigates.

Gaming the System

Public colleges may be using grade inflation or tightening admissions standards to comply with performance-based funding, survey finds.

Job Success Can Be Measured

Stephanie Bond Huie shares how the University of Texas is collecting and sharing information without violating anyone's privacy or dictating academic choices.


People took note when a scientist explained a major breakthrough while wearing a shirt showing women as sex objects.

Rocket Science Espionage?

Whistle-blower suit alleges that Caltech let a suspected spy keep working at its Jet Propulsion Lab to protect a lucrative federal contract.

Standardized Tests for the Job Market

Interest in workplace-readiness tests grows, and some big U.S.-based companies make all applicants in India take an assessment from Aspiring Minds, an Indian firm.

The Shrinking Academic Workforce

As enrollments dip, so too do the number of college and university employees -- but disproportionately at for-profit institutions.