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Younger Than That Now

A new book reflects on generation gaps and how they get that way. Scott McLemee takes a look.

Best of a Bad Situation?

Education Department defends sale of 56 Corinthian College campuses to ECMC, saying guarantee agency's purchase will help 40,000 students, many of whom are close to graduation.

Quiet Players, Deep Pockets

Guarantee agencies branch out as private-lending pool dries up. Most stick to college completion and financial advising, but one produces a film while another buys 56 campuses from a for-profit.

BDS Movement Survives Challenge

At American Anthropological Association’s meeting, members reject resolution opposing the academic boycott of Israel and approve a measure condemning police brutality.

Good Cop, Bad Cop From White House

The summit underscores a tension in the Obama administration’s higher ed approach: how to promote colleges' and universities' successes while holding them more accountable.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Anthropologists and Israel

At the American Anthropological Association's annual meeting, momentum builds in favor of a boycott of Israeli universities.

'Dirty Money?'

Anthropologists discuss student debt and other concerns about the "commodification" of higher education, and debate role of faculty members in reform efforts.

Strike for Better Benefits

U. of Oregon graduate teaching assistants walk out, with end of semester looming, after failed negotiations over paid leave.