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'The History of American Higher Education'

Author discusses his new book on the evolution of colleges and universities in the United States.

From Strength to Strength

To promote real growth by students, colleges need to stop helping them avoid everything that dismays or offends, writes Judith Shapiro.

New Ph.D. Program for Ancient Studies

Amid gloom over humanities faculty job market, Washington U. in St. Louis launches doctoral program in classical studies.

Unsustainable Postdocs

National Academies report sees system in disarray and calls for better pay, more mentoring and speedier path to their own labs.

Second Thoughts

Study finds that female and minority Ph.D.s in biomedical fields are more likely than others to lose interest in faculty careers while earning their doctorates.

Academics Prepared for Retirement

Higher ed employees plan to retire later than other Americans, but a survey suggests they do more financial planning for that eventuality.

Vexing Issues for Vets

The veterinary school accreditor comes under fire as it prepares to face its federal oversight committee. Issues include a perceived weakening in standards and opposition to the accreditation of foreign institutions.

Students Praise Male Professors

Study finds gender of instructors influences evaluations they receive, even if they have fooled students (in an online course) about whether they are men or women.