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Bardolatry as Idolatry

It's time for conservatives who claim to support the humanities to move beyond a single author and to question program cuts and a culture that devalues literary study, writes Robert Matz.

'Indian Spectacle'

Author discusses her new book on the role and long-term impact of Native American mascots of college teams.

Cluster Hiring and Diversity

Hiring faculty around interdisciplinary themes appears to have a positive impact on diversity and scholarship, report finds.

The Longest Job Visit

Jonathan Wynn spent six years as a visiting assistant professor and offers advice (and warnings) to those who might find themselves on a similar path.

Income-Based Repayment Expansion Advances

Carrying out Obama directive to boost income-based repayment, Education Department panel endorses plan that will be available to all direct loan borrowers, regardless of when they incurred the debt.

Leveling the Field

McMaster U addresses gender pay gap by giving $3,500 raises to female faculty members.

Credit Where Credit's Due

Both individual scholars and departments are responsible for bringing digital scholarship into the mainstream, according to draft guidelines for evaluating such work published by the American Historical Association.

Grants for Today's Student

A new report contends that state aid programs should better meet the needs of modern students in today's college landscape, which is vastly different from when most such programs were developed.