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The End of History?

Historians at Sacramento State are furious that an anthropology course has been deemed to meet a state requirement for study of American history.

Teaching Quality, Globally

OECD prepares for major project to measure effectiveness of universities in the classroom.


Study suggests most part-time faculty members want full-time work. But what they want even more is acceptance as colleagues and peers from full-time professors and administrators.

Flexibility or an End Run?

U of Maine System wants to end campus-by-campus accreditation. Would local needs and faculty voice be lost?

Rap to Take on Smith and Hayek

George Mason economics professor has won many fans with playful videos, but a Roosevelt U professor and his students have produced a response -- and fans of the Austrian school may need to cover their ears.

Get Well Soon

Put down that chocolate and pick up some broccoli! Improve your attitude and you can do anything! Scott McLemee looks into a new book on the critique of self-improvement.

Take It Down

Should U of Minnesota have investigated and questioned the judgment of professors whose poster promoting a panel discussion on the Charlie Hebdo murders offended Muslim students?

Profit and Competency

Kaplan University creates new "competency reports" for all 45,000 students, a move that adds momentum, and risks, for competency-based education's spread.