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Defining Competency

Education Department and regional accreditors seek common ground on competency-based education, including what the faculty role should be in the emerging form of higher education.

Sexorship at Northwestern?

Did the university demand the removal of a controversial journal issue from its website and then threaten to censor future issues?

Transcendental Medication

A historian of journalism's new book takes us back to the psychedelic… 1950s? Scott McLemee goes along for the trip.

Show, Not Tell

A new graduate school of education will be competency-based. As demand for teachers increases and alternative preparation programs spread, this school hopes to stand out to the best aspiring educators.

A Step Forward for Philosophy

Disciplinary association issues open letter to victims of harassment and sexism, and calls for departments to promote equity. While some philosophers welcome the move, others doubt it will change anything.

The New McCarthyism

Jonathan Judaken describes what it's like to be attacked as anti-Israel by people who don't understand or don't want to understand your ideas and research.

Passing in the Classroom

Academics weigh in on the curious case of Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who allegedly passed as a black instructor of African-American studies for five years.

AAUP Censures 4 Institutions

Association's annual meeting on academic freedom issues features a debate on whether Steven Salaita's rights were violated and consensus that Wisconsin politicians are undermining their university system.