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The Social Impact of Humanities 'Inventions'

At a time when many are questioning the value of humanities scholarship, the Supreme Court ruling on right to marriage shows the creative impact of such research, Johann Neem writes.

Watered-Down Gen Ed for Engineers?

Critics say proposed changes to accreditation standards for general education dilute the competencies that give U.S.-trained students a competitive edge. Accreditor, meanwhile, says new standards will lead to easier assessment of outcomes and more innovation in teaching.

Scrutiny for Campuses in China

At congressional hearing, officials at American institutions operating in China say that academic freedom is preserved.

'In the Face of Inequality'

Author discusses new book about how historically black colleges have responded to discrimination, economic challenges and more.

Adjunct Retirement Insecurity

TIAA-CREF survey reveals adjunct faculty members' concerns about having enough savings to retire. Experts say the situation for most adjuncts is even more dire.

Ratings Without ... Rating

Federal accountability system won't compare colleges or assign scores, as Obama sought, but will instead be a data-rich, consumer-facing tool on access, affordability and performance.

Not Dead, Not White, Not Male

Columbia's core literature course, long criticized for its lack of diversity, adds to the list a novel by Toni Morrison -- the first living author and the first nonwhite author.

Why 'Vocation' Isn't a Dirty Word

Author of new book on "purposeful graduates" says colleges must talk to students about the importance of creating and living meaningful lives.