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The Story Paradox

Scott McLemee reviews Jonathan Gottschall’s The Story Paradox: How Our Love of Storytelling Builds Societies and Tears Them Down.

‘The Evidence Liberal Arts Needs’

Author discusses his new book about the value of liberal arts colleges—and why many people ignore them.

Dangerous Ideas?

Old Dominion University removed a controversial scholar from campus, in part for safety reasons. Some say the scholar is really being punished for bringing taboo topics out into the open.

Oversight of Higher Ed COVID-19 Funds

Colleges and universities have spent over half of the funds designated by Congress to provide COVID-19 relief, according to Under Secretary James Kvaal.

Tenure Awarded… at Elgin CC, Muhlenberg

Elgin Community College Amy Brandolino, art history Christopher Cunningham, mathematics LaTasha DeHaan, history Liddy Hope, human services Daniel Josh, visual...

Alleged Abuses of Power at Yale Law

Yale Law School’s tiger mother drama lives on. It might even have nine lives, depending on how far a new lawsuit alleging that Yale law ensnared two students in a vendetta against Amy Chua goes.

How Learning Feels Now

Christopher Schaberg and his students sketch a portrait of the college classroom after months of COVID.

Making the Mentor and Mentee Match (infographic)

Successful connections between students and mentors often require careful thinking about which individuals are likely to be a good pair. Follow these 10 matchmaking tips.