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Recentering the Bright Sheng Debate

A dozen University of Michigan professors argue that the controversy over a blackface Othello is more about teaching preparation than free expression, and that better university training and protocols could have lessened the fallout for everyone involved.

Compromising on Diversity?

Iowa State’s Faculty Senate approved a compromise on a diversity requirement to comply with a new state law against the teaching of “divisive concepts.” Some say it’s time to move forward, but other professors say this is no victory.

Researching ‘Institutional Courage’

A research center focuses on how institutions, including colleges, betray their constituents—and how institutions can act with courage instead.

Resisting the Panopticon

It’s fine for faculty to choose to record lectures for students, but systems more or less foisted on them from the top down pose serious threats to academic freedom, argues Michael Schwalbe.

Spring Forward

Scott McLemee offers a preview of next spring’s university press offerings.

Relieving the Verification Burden

FAFSA verification can be a burden for students and institutions alike. College access advisers and financial aid administrators say data sharing and changing how the Education Department selects students for verification could provide relief.

Looking for Answers

Rutgers University at Camden arts and sciences professors want to know why their beloved dean was fired abruptly. They didn’t get much of an explanation during a meeting with their chancellor, making an already rocky relationship worse.

Bad Education

Students at the University of Illinois at Chicago escalate their calls for a law professor accused of racism to be fired, now that he’s scheduled to return to the classroom. The professor says he’s caught up in something that isn’t really about him.