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Tenure Awarded at… College of Coastal Georgia, Quinnipiac, Truckee Meadows CC

College of Coastal Georgia Tyler Bagwell, communication James Benton, accounting Karen Lucas, mathematics education Aurora Pope, visual art Maryanne Sandberg...

How Public Scholarship Assignments Benefit Undergraduates

When we ask our students to share their expertise with audiences outside the walls of the classroom, their motivation to learn increases, writes Jocelyn Frelier.

New Programs: Information Systems, Business, Naturopathic Medicine

Midway University is starting a new concentration in its M.B.A. program: management of information systems. University of Oklahoma is starting...

The Significantly Flawed Analogy Between Joshua Katz and Socrates

Dissecting an unhelpful—and potentially even harmful—contribution to a sensitive debate.

Wrong About Joshua Katz, and About Socrates

Sloppy scholarship and overarching conclusions.

Stop Telling Us ‘You Hide It So Well’

Rebekkah McLellan believes in sharing her disability status with students and administrators. Here’s why.

Faculty Condemn Secretive Search Process at Purdue

Faculty members accuse Purdue president Mitch Daniels and the Board of Trustees of eroding shared governance by orchestrating a leadership transition without transparency or public input.

Retractions: A Missed Opportunity?

New paper says retractions take too long to meaningfully influence public debates about important topics.