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Gun Violence Research: Surveying the Landscape

Research on guns and gun violence is seriously underdeveloped relative to the public health problem that guns represent. But things are changing.

New Programs: Addiction Psychology, Elementary Education, Legal Studies, Film Studies

Arizona State University is starting an online M.S. in addiction psychology. Clarke University has started an accelerated elementary education degree...

It’s Time for ‘Crip Time’

Embracing a more flexible concept of time known as “crip time”—including when it comes to tenure clocks—would make higher ed more inclusive of scholars with disabilities, Darla Schumm writes.

Questioning the Machine

Scott McLemee reviews Mark Coeckelbergh’s The Political Philosophy of AI.

Science’s Women Ghostwriters

Study compares scientific input to output, in the form of papers and patents, finding that women are “systematically” denied credit for their work. Other data suggest this is the result of implicit bias, which in turn offers insights into solutions.

Purdue Backs Off Income-Share Agreements

An early adopter of income-share agreements, Purdue has paused new enrollments in its plan, citing servicing challenges amid the switch to a new vendor. Critics won’t be sad to see them go.

A New College at the University of Maine Worries Faculty

A systemwide college for engineering and computer science aims to address the state’s shortage of skilled workers. But the effort has some faculty worried about the autonomy of their programs.

Inflation, Inflation, Inflation

AAUP report says inflation has underscored the problem of stagnant wage growth for professors.