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Wisconsin in Wyoming?

Proposed changes to shared governance at the University of Wyoming recall those passed in Wisconsin. Professors in Wyoming say tenure would exist in name only if their governing board gets what it wants.

Tenure Under Threat in Kentucky

Late addition to budget bill would allow dismissal of tenured professors due to program changes or eliminations, ending protections previously adopted by college boards. Move comes as tenure rights are eroding elsewhere.

‘A Different Kind of University’

“Shocked, dismayed and angry”: faculty members at Wisconsin Stevens Point react to a plan to cut 13 majors, including English, history, political science and sociology, and expand more job-oriented programs.

Posttenure Review or a Plan to Undercut Tenure?

Right after U of Tennessee faculty members agreed on plan to toughen oversight of tenured professors, system proposed rules many say endanger academic freedom.

Withering Humanities Jobs

Full-time jobs in English and languages continue to decline, reaching a new low, says preliminary annual jobs report from the Modern Language Association.

Making Diversity Happen

Boston College and UC Riverside share how they quickly hired more faculty members from underrepresented minority groups, without relying on hard numerical targets or costly initiatives.

Losing Tenure Bids to a Budget

Stony Brook professors worry their budget is being balanced on the backs of junior faculty colleagues and programs in the humanities, risking curricular breadth and institutional integrity.

Inside a Search Committee

Study of what one panel’s members wanted in biomedical sciences may offer insights into how candidates at other universities are assessed.