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A Tenure Review

While the percentage of tenured faculty members continues to decline nationally, the Sage Colleges worked to re-establish the practice in a bid to improve the institution's academic profile.

Voting Rights for Adjuncts

U. of Missouri at Columbia considers becoming the latest institution where shared governance includes those off the tenure track.

Job Security at Risk in Florida

A year after community college faculty members fought off a challenge to their tenure-like contracts, a new proposal surfaces.

Holding Faculty Accountable

Post-tenure review, with real rigor and due process, can protect the truly important faculty rights, writes Elizabeth Hoffman.

Tenure vs. Donors

Tennessee seminary told a tenured professor he was offending would-be contributors and should look for work elsewhere.

Outsourcing Online Coaches

Nonprofit group offers a pool of online teaching coaches to public universities, helping them staff growing programs quickly and cheaply. Adjunct advocates don't like new form of outsourcing.

Adjunct Promotion at a For-Profit

Grand Canyon University hires 98 adjuncts as full-time online professors in an attempt to boost student retention and faculty satisfaction.