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Embracing the Value of College Math

Too many students walk out of such classes questioning whether they'll ever make it to graduation, argues Aaron Altose.

Keeping Cornell Multilingual

Arts and sciences faculty sticks with a three-course-sequence foreign language requirement, even as other institutions shrink their language requirements.

'Rigorous Inquiry and Respectful Debate'

Colgate offers up its own statement on campus speech, arguing that it's not just what you say, it's how you say it.

New International Graduate Enrollments Fall Again

Report says international graduate enrollments were down for the second straight year last year, after a period of significant growth. Experts said it's hard to ignore the Trump factor.

Pushing the Boundaries of Learning With AI

A growing number of academics are experimenting with new technologies powered by artificial intelligence, but many of the technologies aren't yet ready for prime time.

Why Are We Still Grading?

There is absolutely no way to take a student’s work in any class and put a number or a letter to it in a way that couldn’t be done in another equally reasonable way, argues Dan Houck.

The Problem With Pronouns

Asking everyone their preferred personal pronoun is not a good idea, argues Rachel N. Levin.

'Nevertheless She Persisted?'

New analysis suggests that women's success in STEM Ph.D. programs has much to do with having female peers, especially in their first year in graduate school.