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What Video Games Can Teach About Teaching

Why have students—many of whom are video-game players—so disliked the virtual learning environments of their colleges and universities? JT Torres asks and suggests some answers.

Online Course Provider Shops More Affordable College Credits

TEL Education partners with institutions to offer high school students a low-cost way to start their college careers. Critics worry about quality and transferability.

New Programs: Professional Communication, Data Science, Business, Public Health

Grace College is offering a major in professional communication. Lake Superior State University is starting a B.S. in data science...

The Full-Time Faculty Factor

Professors from across New York’s public colleges say that all students, regardless of race or what campus they’re on, should have equal opportunities to study with full-time professors. Those chances are now concentrated on predominantly white campuses, one analysis suggests.

Creating a Compassionate Classroom

It’s the environment where students reap the most educational and social-emotional benefits, write Hannah L. Schacter, Shanique G. Brown, Ana M. Daugherty, Susanne Brummelte and Emily Grekin.

Community College’s Contested Corporate Partnership

A free college program for union members has boosted Eastern Gateway’s enrollment to nearly 47,000, but it has also raised questions about an outside company’s influence at the Ohio institution—including on academic matters.

‘The Evidence Liberal Arts Needs’

Author discusses his new book about the value of liberal arts colleges—and why many people ignore them.

How Learning Feels Now

Christopher Schaberg and his students sketch a portrait of the college classroom after months of COVID.