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Starting Off Right With the Syllabus

We can create more engaging and inspiring ways to begin a class, write Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, who provide some concrete ideas for how to do so.

New Programs: Computer Science, International Security, Actuarial Science, Education

Clarke University has reinstated its bachelor of science in computer science. George Mason University is starting a B.A. in international...

It’s Not (Always) the Students’ Fault

Eric Vanden Eykel describes how he learned firsthand how faculty members’ failings can become opportunities for positive change.

A Machine Can Now Do College-Level Math

An MIT team’s artificial intelligence, which can solve and explain problems in seconds, could help professors create content and assist with tutoring students. But some see subpar explanations and new ways for students to cheat.

New Programs: Public Health, Dance, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Spatial Data

Albertus Magnus College is starting a major in public health. California State University Channel Islands is starting a major in...

Company Steps in to Ease Transfer-Credit Friction

Outlier creates a network of institutions to try to fix a broken system of transfer credit. Experts applaud the company's efforts, but its for-profit nature may limit acceptance by some institutions.

New Programs: Health, Early Childhood Education, Health and Aging

Davidson-Davie Community College is creating a large healthcare apprenticeship in North Carolina. Northern Essex Community College is starting an associate...

5 Essential Ways of Knowing

If students are to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century, they need a variety of skills that allow them to think beyond critical thinking, write Ben Harley and Mays Imad.