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Charting a Course

In report to faculty and students, UT president outlines principles for online education and asks for greater input from professors.

‘Majoring in a Professor’

Students select or reject majors based in large part on the quality of the first college instructor they have in the discipline, new research finds.

Democratic Limits of "Customized"

It its industrial approach to efficiency, competency-based education shortchanges less-affluent student and contributes to stratification, Amy Slaton writes.

'What the Best Law Teachers Do'

Law education has been a bit beleaguered lately. A new book shows what's still right about legal education and where it needs to go.

My Problem With MOOCs

In teaching, it's ultimately about the ability of a professor to make a personal, intellectual connection and force a student to think some more, writes Brent Chesley.

Ignoring the Founders

Politicians who marginalize the humanities forget the values that created the United States, and imperil its civil society, write Carol Geary Schneider and David Townsend.

Taking a Stand for Science

After investigation of professor accused of promoting religious views in a science course, Ball State U.'s president says intelligent design shouldn't be taught in such classes.

New Player in Adaptive Learning

Career Education Corp. gets a jump on adaptive learning, a reminder that for-profits can move fast and go big with emerging technologies.