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A new poem by Laurence Musgrove on writing conferences with students.

Benefit of the Doubt

Instructors should take plagiarism seriously, writes Nate Kreuter. But they shouldn't rush to assume students are doing it -- nor should they obsess about it.

The Retention Agenda

"The Retention Agenda" is a collection of articles -- in print-on-demand format -- about student retention and persistence in college...

Creative Writing Is Not a Fast Food Nation

Five professors in the field answer criticism that they say is based on an out-of-date idea about what goes on in their classrooms.

Innovation Exhaustion and a Path to Moving Forward

MOOCs, competency-based education and other reforms are worthy ideas, writes Dan Greenstein. But in the chase for the next big thing, some have forgotten the goal of improving higher education, not just making it more efficient.

Unusual Introduction to the Abstract

Professors send students to the personal ads to learn an important science-writing skill.

'What Our Stories Teach Us'

Author discusses new book on how faculty members can consider their own teaching and learning experiences to improve them.

An Adjunct's Vindication

Florida Atlantic rehires instructor at center of controversial class exercise involving the name "Jesus." University reconsiders ban on exercise. Faculty Senate finds administrators "dismally failed" on academic freedom.