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Boost for Udacity Project

Student performance is up, retention is down, and San Jose State University's partnership with a MOOC provider is still on pause for the fall.

2 Years for Law School?

President Obama endorses idea that legal education is too expensive and too long.

So You Think You Can Think

To teach a course about reality TV, Dominic Pettman turned his class into a reality TV show.

Enjoying White House Attention

For colleges and other organizations promoting alternative paths to degrees, the president's speech was validation they have wanted.

Whose Mindset?

As Beloit releases annual compilation of what this year's freshmen know and don't, two anonymous professors from other colleges unveil a website designed to mock and destroy the list.

Feminist Anti-MOOC

Can education be free and online and yet reject some of the choices made by proponents of massive open online courses? A class about to debut aims to show what's possible.

'Real Education'

Mark Edmundson's latest book is a battle cry to professors and students who want to preserve a "real education," increasingly under threat, he says.

Experimental College's First Graduate

Competency-based education takes a major step forward in its challenge to seat time as College for America awards its first degree.