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Developing a Flexible Degree

Creating a new competency-based degree program isn't easy, writes Cathy Sandeen, who shares lessons she learned from helping to develop the UW Flexible Option.

Civic Learning

A growing number of colleges and universities are emphasizing civic engagement in their curriculum -- a move institutions say is in response to an erosion of public discourse.

Digital Humanities as 'Corporatist Restructuring'

Controversial article argues digital humanities scholars are -- intentionally or not -- leading a "neoliberal takeover" of colleges and universities.

No, Your English Dissertation Isn’t “Research”

The big question in hiring somebody right out of graduate school is not about the person's research but whether he or she can deal with teenagers who have never read serious literature and don’t particularly want to, writes Bruce Fleming.

The Liberal Arts at War

The values that undergird higher education as a guarantor of human dignity and enlightenment are under a special intensity of attack, argues Robert Weisbuch, while we in academe seem preoccupied with the little stuff.

19 More Lessons About Teaching

Andrew Pegoda highlights the importance of blogs, being rested and sticking to your beliefs, along with other advice for being effective in the classroom.

Grade Inflation, Higher and Higher

The most common grade is A -- at all kinds of colleges. But while grade point averages are increasing at four-year institutions, that's not the case at community colleges.

Off the Mat and Into the World

What does yoga have to do with teaching in a college classroom? A lot, writes Karen Costa.