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Warrior Consciousness

None of our concerns about student readiness for college are ever going to be resolved if we don't help students learn how to stop fearing questions, themselves and others, writes Laurence Musgrove.

Plato in Marketing Class

Champlain College is proud of its pre-professional programs, and also of an unusual approach to general education that lasts for four years.

Liberal Educators Looking Inward

Scholars consider how to revive the liberal arts and consider the importance of math and science, impact of hyperspecialization, economic inequality, public attitudes, admissions strategies and more.

Saving the Liberal Arts

Scholars at conference on whether liberal arts need saving focus on evolving threats, including diminishing attention spans, mounting consumerism and a desire by administrators to quantify everything.

A Dean, a Sit-In, the N-Word

Since Wednesday, students have occupied part of humanities college at Seattle University, demanding shifts in curriculum and resignation of dean alleged to have used slur to refer to book title.

Contours of a New Discipline

Conference at Georgetown U discusses how to train future ed-tech leaders and whether creating a new discipline is the answer.

When Service Learning Doesn't Really Serve

Too often, service learning prioritizes students over the people with whom they work, Randy Stoecker argues in a new book.

Leave It in the Bag

Study by faculty members at West Point finds students perform better academically when laptops and tablets are banned from the classroom.