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Separate but Equal in Physics Lab

Student sues U of Cincinnati after being told she can't have male partner in physics lab. Emails suggest multiple university officials defended the policy, but university now says it was not mandatory.

Algebra No More

Students at Michigan State University will no longer have to take college-level algebra, thanks to a revision of the general-education math requirement.

The Explosion of 'Casual' Labor

Australian universities' use of adjunct instructors grows much faster than other types of faculty employment -- especially for teaching-only positions.

Cheating the System?

Even if they could cheat without being penalized, most students will take an honest stab at homework questions, study finds.

Fostering Connections

As part of a new general-education program, Connecticut College rethinks the 100-level course.

'Be a Man'

Colleges are increasingly creating masculinity programs, aimed at boosting retention while encouraging students to rethink what it means to "be a man."

Learning to Adapt

Major study of adaptive learning finds inconclusive results about its ability to improve outcomes and lower costs, but use at two-year colleges and in remedial courses shows potential.

Stacking the Deck?

UCSD accused a student of copying from another person's midterm exam, but officials wouldn't reveal the identity of the other student or whether the two were sitting near each other.