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Our Present Business Is General Woe

William Bradley describes the lasting impact a brilliant scholar and teacher of English Renaissance literature had on him -- both in the classroom and well beyond it.

Michigan’s ‘Next Step’ in Technology

U of Michigan starts a “yearlong conversation” about innovation in the classroom to determine what a public research university should look like in the 21st century.

Writing After War

A veteran struggling to resume civilian life in a classroom filled mostly with last spring's high school graduates can teach us all a lot, writes Alice Montclair.

When Professors Say the Wrong Thing on Race

Comments about NFL player who started national anthem protest cost a Concordia (Mich.) instructor her job; Virginia professor keeps his job but plans a leave amid criticism of Facebook post about Black Lives Matter.

It's Not You. It's Your Students

Study suggests that whether students think their instructors have political bias is linked to attitudes about entitlement and grades, not what the professors are saying or doing.

The Role of Teaching in Responding to Racism

After a racist incident occurred on the campus of Quinnipiac University, John Conley, a professor there, explored it in depth with his students and learned a lot about teaching.

Ain't No Stopping (Me) Now

Shawn Anthony Robinson, a black man with dyslexia, describes through poetry his successful journey through academe.

The Tech-Enabled Scholar

New book explores what it means to be a scholar at a moment when every aspect of life in academe is being changed by technology.