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Pushing Trigger Warnings

American U student government launches campaign in support of mandatory trigger warnings -- despite a recently reaffirmed faculty stance against them.

The Case for College Work Programs

To increase student access and affordability, and improve the business model, a college might want to establish a work program for all its students. Lyle D. Roelofs describes the benefits.

Accountability for Grad School Professors

A major criticism from students who have dropped out of graduate school is the lack of support they received from their professors, write Melissa A. Brevetti and Dana Ford.

Scaling Up High-Impact Instruction

New series of grants seek to help institutions embed Reacting to the Past and other high-impact teaching practices in the undergraduate curriculum.

Unwelcome Innovation

Proponents of digital badges and alternative credentials have valuable goals, writes Colin Mathews, but are pushing a universal language of credentialing that is unnecessary and unfair.

Zero Correlation Between Evaluations and Learning

New study adds to evidence that student reviews of professors have limited validity.

Berkeley Resumes Palestine Course

Facing backlash and accusations of squelching academic freedom, a class is restored.

Reclaim Your Buzzwords

Rather than shun technologies hyped by companies with grand promises, faculty members should force vendors to explain how the tools will help professors teach and students learn, Michael Feldstein argues.