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How Do We Move Forward?

Those of us who work in student affairs will need to take some time to absorb the results of this election and then quickly get back to the work we do in supporting our students, writes Kevin Kruger.

Nabokov in the Age of Snapchat

Eric Farwell provides four ideas to help interest today’s students, who seem to want to read only increasingly shorter pieces, in English and literature courses.

Rigor, Faculty Rights, Completion

Instructor says he was fired -- shortly after he complained to accreditor -- for refusing to water down his curriculum and requirements. Another instructor quit rather than comply.

Market Value in Language, Literature and Culture

We should be able to articulate clearly how English and literature studies prepare our students for the world, argues Laurence Musgrove, who offers some specific ways to do so.

What Trump Gets Right and Wrong About Conspiracy

If the presidential candidate were a student in our community college class, he’d have to do a lot more research, write Jed Shahar and Benjamin Lawrance Miller.

When Latina Student Wrote 'Hence,' Her Professor Assumed Plagiarism

Blog post called “Academia, Love Me Back” raises concerns about stereotypes and inclusivity.

What Do Our Athletes Really Learn?

Intercollegiate athletics programs, which are only justifiable on our campuses if they can offer significant learning experiences, should be assessed for their educational impact, argues Michael G. Bowen.

New Programs: Water Policy, Public Administration, Fermentation Science, Hospitality, Computer Engineering, Music, Nursing Education, Public Safety

East Central University, in Oklahoma, is starting a master’s program on water policy. New York University is adding a social...