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Moving Beyond 2 Percent

Russell Olwell explores why mentoring students is often so low on the faculty agenda -- and what should be done about it.

Push for Language Proficiency

Pitt’s arts and sciences faculty is divided over a proposal to eliminate a high school study exemption from foreign language requirement. Some say high school seat time is poor measure of proficiency, while others fear forcing too many students into language courses.

White Is the Word

Arizona lawmakers' failed proposed ban on “divisive” college courses signals new criticism of white studies. Similar courses -- though common -- have become controversial elsewhere. Those who teach them say the classes are being distorted.

Mental Health on the Syllabus

Northwestern U Faculty Senate passes resolution encouraging professors to put information about mental health services on their syllabi.

The Body Issue

Study suggests digital models can help medical schools, which face a shortage of cadavers, teach students human anatomy.

Teaching the Teachers

Christopher M. Hakala provides insights on creating and running a teaching center.

The Changing English Major

Amid enrollment declines, speakers at Modern Language Association discuss shifts in the major, such as a de-emphasis of traditional survey and the addition of more writing-related courses.

How Do You Teach the Presidency?

While Michael Nelson may be doing everything wrong in his upper-level undergraduate course on the American presidency, he finds it somehow seems to work.