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‘New Liberal Arts’ or Not-So-Liberal Arts?

Ohio's Hiram College stakes its future on ability to attract enough students willing to embrace a new, more interdisciplinary, experiential curriculum.

Big Cuts, Big Completion Gains

The University of Rhode Island managed to boost its student completion rates and change its gen-ed curriculum while recovering from the budget slashing of the recession.

A Natural Attraction?

Essay on "erotics of mentorship" sets off debate about whether sexuality has any place in academic relationships.

Maybe Not So 'High Impact'?

Researchers challenge conventional wisdom and past studies linking widely promoted educational experiences to timely college completion.

Opportunity or Exploitation?

Southern Illinois Carbondale's proposal that alumni volunteers do faculty work (without pay) doesn't go over well.

Creative Course Finder: Sharing Projects Across the Pond

Engineering students in Michigan will troubleshoot circuits and then swap findings with students in Ireland to complete their projects.

Cursing in Class

A New Jersey community college investigates a professor for cursing at conservative student who argued that men are sexually harassed, too.

Teamwork That Works

Carol Marchetti provides tips for teaching your students how to make the most of working in groups.