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Grades and Assessing Learning: Can't We Get Along?

Given how busy professors are, it makes sense to link outcomes assessment to grading, rather than create redundancy by piling the latter on top of the former, Mark Salisbury writes.

A Better Way to Prepare Teachers

Rep. Michael Honda and Sen. Jack Reed argue that schools and colleges need to work together to ensure that school leaders, and especially instructors, are ready for the classroom.

Pricing Out the Humanities

History professors at the University of Florida fight back against idea that the state should use tuition to discourage enrollment in fields without immediate connection to jobs.

Getting More Complete

Major data release from the National Student Clearinghouse gives the fullest, most reliable view of college graduation rates so far, and the numbers aren't so terrible.

Breaking Gridlock for Veterans

Protections for veterans lead the way in Washington's higher education accountability push, as veterans' groups and college lobbyists, while sometimes at odds, look for common ground.

Income Data and the Degree

The gainful employment rule may be on hold, but there’s no reason the government can’t take advantage of the data it produces to give colleges information about their graduates’ success, writes Scott Kinney.

The Liberal Arts, Economic Value, and Leisure

Stop trying to make an economic case for the liberal arts, writes Johann Neem. Their value to society and citizens is too important for that.

Performing Under Pressure

As policymakers clamor to hold colleges accountable, new Gates-sponsored research tries to establish fair rules for measuring institutional performance.