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Free Course, Inexpensive Exam

New batch of free, online courses geared to credit-bearing exams could be the fastest, most affordable way to earn college credit.

Accreditation in a Rapidly Changing World

Regional accreditors must respond to the rise of competency-based education or risk becoming less relevant, writes Paul LeBlanc.

Udacity's Credit Path

ACE considers credit recommendations for a batch of Udacity courses.

New Look for Lumina

Foundation picks new strategies for its college attainment push and grant-making, with a focus on metro areas, innovations and results.

Do Veterans Graduate?

The U.S. Veterans Administration and the National Student Clearinghouse team up to track graduation rates.

Historic Relevance

Department heads discuss hardships facing the discipline and the way ahead during the American Historical Association's annual meeting.

Tests With and Without Motivation

Study raises questions about reliability of popular assessment tools used to measure learning that takes place in college. And research finds that students might not be as "academically adrift" as much-discussed book suggested.

Placement Tests Still Rule

Research backs reformers' criticism of remedial placement exams, but colleges rely heavily on them, a new study finds.