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Real Teacher Ed Reform

Significant changes, based on true assessment, are going on right now, led by the profession, writes Linda Darling-Hammond, who urges critics to check out what's really happening.

By the Numbers

Departures and a reorganization at the National Center for Education Statistics stir fears the feds are less focused on higher ed data. Not so, says the center's commissioner.

Who Gets the Credit?

The awarding of academic credit for prior learning expands in higher education, but the process remains misunderstood and controversial. A look at students who've given it a whirl.

Accounting for Innovation

Two accounting organizations release a report on how to update the curriculum and promote diversity.

Where Are All the Adults?

Colleges fail to track adult student retention and graduation rates, survey finds. But one accreditor will now require those data. Will others follow suit?

More Than Facts and Formulas

Report concludes that deep, integrated learning, which starts in K-12 and continues through higher education, requires more attention from policy makers and institutions.

Rise of the Accreditor?

WASC nixes Ashford University's accreditation bid, dealing blow to for-profit Bridgepoint Inc. and signaling that accreditors may take a more aggressive stance with for-profit sector.

Another State to Assess Skills

Wisconsin is developing degree programs based on skills demonstrated, not courses completed. And it's doing so on its own instead of partnering with Western Governors University.