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Accreditors Eye Temple

University is supposed to abide by standards requiring honesty and integrity. But is it in compliance after revealing that its business school lied for years to get higher rankings? U.S. News also seeks more information.

Some Questions for Assessophiles

Alex Small takes issue with some of the approaches and aims of the assessment movement.

Feds Plan Accreditation Experimentation

Key Education Department official says innovators in higher ed should not be held back by their accreditors.

An Inside Look at Why Accreditation Works

Describing his service on a voluntary visiting team, Bob Ubell defends regional accreditation as a form of “deliberative democracy” and urges us not to hand it over to a federal education police force.

Private Colleges Give Ground on Student Data

Lobbying group for independent colleges says it's open to expanding federal data collection on student outcomes but remains opposed to student-level database favored by public colleges and many policy makers.

DFW Fail

Savannah State professors object to a new, unwritten policy judging their teaching effectiveness by how many D or F grades they give.

Learning Tool or Cheating Aid?

After students at Texas Christian University are suspended for allegedly using the Quizlet app to cheat on their exams, professors are warned this case may be the tip of the iceberg.

When More Info Isn't Better for Students

New findings: college students actually perform worse with access to digital course-planning platforms that show how previous students performed.