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Not Dead, Not White, Not Male

Columbia's core literature course, long criticized for its lack of diversity, adds to the list a novel by Toni Morrison -- the first living author and the first nonwhite author.

Faster Humanities Ph.D.s, But at What Cost?

UC Irvine moves toward a system in which doctorates can be earned in five years, half the norm for these fields at many institutions. Some departments embrace plan; they fear impact on dissertations and on adjuncts.

The End of History?

Historians at Sacramento State are furious that an anthropology course has been deemed to meet a state requirement for study of American history.

UCLA Faculty Approves Diversity Requirement

After more than a decade of debate, and strong lobbying from both administrators and students, professors vote in favor of the measure, 916 to 487.

Nuanced Analysis of the Humanities

Annual report on the disciplines acknowledges cuts and challenges, but also sees signs of hope and growth.

Not a Small World After All

MLA report shows 6.7 percent drop in language enrollments after decades of growth.

Major Exodus

English departments at U. of Maryland and elsewhere respond to drop-offs -- some of them steep -- in English majors.

Doing Themselves In?

If the liberal arts are dying, who's to blame? Speakers at conference say advocates of a broad education need to look inward.