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Smile! You're (Not) on Camera!

Historians group prohibits hiring committees from recording job interviews at hiring annual conference.

The Economics of Prestige

CUNY's hiring of Paul Krugman was seen as a coup, but James Hoff doesn't think public universities should be spending big bucks on stars who won't do much teaching.

The Prestige Payoff

Study documents impact of attending an elite doctoral program on faculty members' careers.

‘Save Fulbright’

Advocates of international exchange organize to protest a proposed 13 percent cut to the flagship Fulbright program.

Enough Letters Already

MLA's new guidelines offer some relief and realism about the recommendation part of the hiring process.

Her Side of the Story

'W.' attracted sympathy and ire last week when the story of her failed attempt at negotiating a tenure-track position went viral. Now she's addressing her critics.

Negotiated Out of a Job

How one tenure-track candidate's attempts at negotiations resulted in her losing the offer entirely.

Practicing What He Preaches

Star professors who talk about the importance of public higher ed but teach at elite privates send one message, writes Abraham Gutman. Those who take jobs at public universities send a much better message.