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'The Uberfication of the University'

Author discusses new book on the relationship between the "sharing economy" and the erosion of faculty rights.

Not Just 'Musical Chairs'

Beyond well-funded individual campus initiatives aimed at increasing the number of underrepresented minority faculty members, experts urge collaboration across institutions and within disciplines.

For Your Anti-Union Information

Crop of university 'anti-union' university websites sparks criticism from proponents of graduate assistant unions.

The Sky Isn't Falling

Critics of this week's NLRB decision in favor of graduate student unions at private institutions say it could turn graduate education upside down. But that hasn't happened on a campus with one of country's oldest public-sector graduate employee unions.

NLRB: Graduate Students at Private Universities May Unionize

Federal labor board overturns ruling that denied collective bargaining rights. On many campuses, grad students vow to organize. Many higher ed leaders and Republicans in Congress criticize ruling.

More Faculty Diversity, Not on Tenure Track

Colleges hire more minority and female professors, but most jobs filled are adjunct, not tenure track, study finds.

How Colleges Are Keeping Up With Business Changes

Different strategies take stage at the National Association of College and University Business Officers' annual meeting.

Cuts Questioned at U of Chicago

Faculty members and students worry they're paying the price for construction projects amid a focus on cutting administrative costs.