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Fair Game?

PETA goes after a Yale postdoc for her research on birds, and some academics cry foul.

The Shrinking Humanities Job Market

New analysis finds the number of doctorates awarded keeps rising, even as number of job openings drops.

The Missing Black Professors

Study of top public universities finds limited faculty diversity, yet signs of progress -- except for African-Americans in STEM.

Calling Attention to a Postdoc's Struggles and Suicide

Author of a scientific paper fought for years to find a journal to accept his work, which has an acknowledgments section that includes a tribute to a colleague.

Long-Term Contracts for 1,500 Adjuncts

CUNY’s faculty union is starting to see returns on a major push of six-year contract battle: three-year appointments for long-serving adjuncts.

Leap of Faith

Deciding to unionize alongside part-timers could have backfired on Notre Dame de Namur’s tenured and tenure-track faculty members. Here’s how it didn’t.

Go Big or Go Home

Decision by the American Society for Microbiology to scale back number of small conferences highlights pressures on the economics of scholarly gatherings.

Helping Postdocs With Children

First-ever national survey of postdocs who are parents reveals a lack of access to paid parental leave, pressures to return to work early and extra stressors for parents of color.