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After Privacy

Who knows exactly what will happen to personal privacy in our high-tech future, but a new book at least stimulates us to think about it, writes Scott McLemee.

May the Best Idea Win

New book argues that students involved in campus protests over controversial speakers or ideas should instead support a marketplace of ideas in which all notions are heard and the best rise to the top.

A Civil Rights Hero Who Disappeared

New book tells story of a largely forgotten man who won a landmark Supreme Court decision.

Our Thinking About Crossover Scholarship Is Wrong

Many people in higher education are skeptical of its value, but we should give it the legitimacy it deserves, argues Karlyn Crowley.

Streamlining Citations

New MLA Handbook seeks to make citing sources from a variety of media easier and more commonsensical.

Digital Overtakes Print

Major publishers report sales of digital course materials surpass sales of print textbooks for the first time. Are the numbers right -- and does it matter?

'Messages From a Lost World'

Once one of the best-known authors in the world but then for many years relegated to footnotes, Stefan Zweig hardly seemed liked a figure poised for rediscovery. But not too long ago, the comeback began, writes Scott McLemee.

Fish Tales

Scott McLemee reviews a new biography on the scholar Stanley Fish, who, if he wrote a book of career advice, could title it The Art of the Deal.