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How to Slam-Dunk a Revision

Peer review can sting, write Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist, but continued revision is the lifeblood of scholarship.

‘Suspicious Minds’

Rob Brotherton’s Suspicious Minds illuminates how Trump’s affinity for the conspiratorial mind-set forms the bedrock of his very existence as a political figure, writes Scott McLemee.

Activism and Academe

Can faculty members be politically engaged advocates? New book -- Civic Labors: Scholarly Activism and Working-Class Studies -- argues that they can.

‘Classics, the Culture Wars and Beyond’

Author discusses his new book on the battles over the discipline and its future.

The Shrinking Mega-Journal

The world's largest scholarly journal, PLOS ONE, is seeing fewer and fewer researchers publish their work in it as the open-access publishing market evolves.

Guiding Those Who Guide Students

New book dives deep into the profession of academic advising, offering direction on how advisers can best counsel students.

'The Other One Percent'

Authors discuss their new book on the success -- in educational attainment and business -- of Indians in the United States.

Consuming Catastrophe

In a new book, Timothy Recuber explores how the media cover disasters like the Virginia Tech shootings -- but sometimes in problematic ways, writes Scott McLemee.