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Exile Off Main Street

In Exiled in America: Life on the Margins in a Residential Hotel, author Christopher P. Dum portrays not only inescapable squalor but also efforts to create order in seriously damaged lives, writes Scott McLemee.

Reaching ‘New Majority’ Students

New book explores different classroom strategies for teaching first-generation, underrepresented students.

‘A New Moral Vision’

Author discusses new book about how arrival of women in American higher education changed colleges’ sense of moral mission.

Intellectual Property Problems

New book highlights intellectual property practices that the author says are dangerous for the public's interest in higher ed.

Enduring Enigma

Scott McLemee explores the mysteries of a centuries-old manuscript -- one that has tested, and defeated, the mental powers of numerous researchers.

Separate and Not Equal

New book argues that sometimes faculty members of color going up for tenure are judged by a higher standard than are their white peers.

Brave New World

Scott McLemee delves into The Quantified Self by Deborah Lupton, a study of how digital self-tracking is insinuating itself into every nook and cranny of human experience.

'The Faculty Factor'

Book argues that faculty’s diminishing influence puts higher education at risk. Suggested interventions include changing tenure to save it -- namely by ending it for professors at 70 years of age.