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Hitting the Accelerator

Scott McLemee reviews The Acceleration of Cultural Change: From Ancestors to Algorithms, in which social networks, big data, memes and the like are presented as extreme cases of the creative and disruptive potentials or our tool-oriented species.

Behind the Publication Gender Gap

Study finds male Ph.D. candidates submit and publish papers at much higher rates than women, even at the same institution. One factor is that women teach more during their Ph.D. programs and men serve more often as research assistants.

Itchy Twitter Finger

Scott McLemee examines The Trump Presidency: Outsider in the Oval Office, the first book about Trump's first year in office to be published by a scholarly press.

‘Inclusive Access’ Takes Off

Hundreds of colleges are signing on to publishers’ programs, with apparent savings to students. Some applaud the movement, while others are skeptical.

‘Diversity Matters’

Editors discuss new book about a push by many Christian colleges to diversify their institutions.

First Generation to the Ivy League

Author discusses her new book on transitions in admissions -- and beyond.

‘The Doha Experiment’

New book by a former professor looks at the tensions and struggles behind what author describes as Georgetown’s “bold, important and interesting” experiment to bring American liberal education to Qatar.

We Demand…

In We Demand: The University and Student Protests, Roderick A. Ferguson's understanding of the campus activism of the 1960s and ’70s rests on a clear sense of the university as a crucial part of the social machine, writes Scott McLemee.