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Are Prospective Students About to Disappear?

New book says most colleges -- and the vast majority of nonelite institutions -- are about to face severe shortage of potential students.

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Scott McLemee explores the Library of Congress’s recent announcement that it will no longer be a repository of every public posting to Twitter.

Whose Struggle?

Bob Blaisdell never condemned a student for reading a book, regardless of its subject matter or author. Until one day.

‘Teaching the Literature Survey Course’

Editors discuss the way a key teaching role has evolved -- and should evolve.

‘Bit by Bit’

Author discusses new book on social science research in era of big data.

OER Adoptions on the Rise

The number of faculty members choosing open educational resources over traditional textbooks has nearly doubled in the last year, but awareness over all remains low.

Is Anyone Reading This Headline?

Authors of statistics textbook proudly declared, in a footnote, that no one reads footnotes. Photos of the footnote keep going viral.

Learning From World Literature in the South

Editing the Norton Anthology of World Literature ultimately changed Martin Puchner's view of the literary marketplace and what literature can do.