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‘The Ph.D. Delusion’

A new novel about academic life is not a ringing endorsement, to say the least. But it will make you laugh. And that's the point.

Governor Seeks to Kill University Press

Kentucky press, which serves all the public institutions and some private colleges in the state, is noted for books on history, Appalachia and its home state.

The ‘J’ Stands for Genius

Scott McLemee highlights the panoply of books on Trump, or matters related to his presidency, that scholarly presses plan to publish between now and this summer's end.

Report: Bundled Textbooks a Bad Deal for Students

New consumer advocacy report highlights high cost of textbook bundles, but publishers say findings are misleading.

Lever Press Sets Gears in Motion

Despite slow start, open-access digital scholarship publisher expects to publish first works this year.

Getting Even

Scott McLemee reviews Revenge: A Short Enquiry into Retribution, a compendium of one of the human imagination's most reliable, and cross-cultural, narrative templates.

‘Keywords’ for Understanding Academe

Co-editors discuss their no-holds-barred dictionary for academic life.

Adapting to Pressure

Authors acknowledge challenges for four-year colleges and worry about their future as drivers of opportunity. But they believe colleges are adaptable and will continue to offer students value.