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Net Rupture

Scott McLemee reviews Manuel Castells's Rupture: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy.

UC Drops Elsevier

After months of negotiating over open-access fees and paywalls, the University of California System follows through on threat to cancel its journal subscription deal with Elsevier.

The Edge of Academic Freedom

Scott McLemee reviews Joan Wallach Scott's Knowledge, Power and Academic Freedom.

‘Scientists Under Surveillance’

Co-editor discusses new book on FBI documents about spying on researchers.

‘Generous Thinking’

A leader in digital humanities outlines ideas in her new book about how higher education can engage with the public in a sometimes hostile world.

Who’s Afraid of Plan S?

Research funders, publishers and academics ponder the consequences of a European initiative that could have a major impact on scholarly publishing in the U.S.

Debate on New Mission of an Australian University Press

Shift at Melbourne University Publishing raises question of whether nonacademic books can be used to subsidize academic publishing.

2020 Visions

Scott McLemee reviews some of the books now being published by university presses, many of which seem to predict our world in the upcoming decade.