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Approaching ‘Entropy’

Scott McLemee reviews Eric Johnson's Anxiety and the Equation: Understanding Boltzmann's Entropy.

‘How to Get Grant Money in the Humanities and Social Sciences’

Professor discusses new book about finding the funds to do your project and advance your career.

Ending Toxic Culture in Fraternities

Author discusses in her upcoming book why chapter members drink and participate in "rape culture."

‘Two Cheers for Higher Education’

What if the critics are (mostly) wrong? Author discusses his new book about why American colleges and universities are stronger than many believe, even though they do face challenges.

Warning on ‘Mirror Journals’

European Commission envoy sees attempt to get around open-access requirements.

Mash Up and Republish Like It's 1923

A dazzling array of works from 1923 are now available freely to scholars, artists and writers, opening up new possibilities for teaching and publishing.

Reading Mobilization

Scott McLemee reviews L. A. Kauffman's How to Read a Protest: The Art of Organizing and Resistance.

Editorial Mutiny at Elsevier Journal

Following in the footsteps of linguistics journal Lingua, the editorial board of the Elsevier-owned Journal of Informetrics has resigned and launched a rival journal that will be free for all to read.