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QAnon and On and On

Scott McLemee reviews Political Perversion: Rhetorical Aberration in the Time of Trumpeteering by Joshua Gunn.

‘The Cost of Inclusion’

Author discusses his book, which says that student activities do not necessarily advance students' interests. White men gain the most, he says.

Political Signage

Scott McLemee reviews Tobias Carroll's Political Sign.


Authors discuss their new book on "the remarkable, unremarkable document that changes everything."

‘Lean Semesters’

Author discusses her new book about how higher education “reproduces inequity” for Black women.

Textbooks in Short Supply Amid COVID Quarantines

Librarians are quarantining print materials for several days between loans to stop the spread of COVID-19. For students who rely on the library to access textbooks, that’s a problem.

‘Human Work’

Author discusses his book on the nature of work -- and preparing for that work with education and training.

What Tech Calls Thinking

Scott McLemee reviews Adrian Daub's What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry Into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley.