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‘The Low-Density University’

Authors discuss expansion of their "15 Fall Scenarios" blog post to an ebook.

Window of Opportunity for OER

Initiatives to raise awareness of open educational resources are working -- with more faculty choosing OER over traditional textbooks, survey finds. Advocates say pandemic and recession are also driving interest.

‘A Field Guide to Grad School’

Author provides "the hidden curriculum" needed to navigate the years of graduate school.

From the Ground Up

Scott McLemee reviews Reconstructing Democracy: How Citizens Are Building From the Ground Up by Charles Taylor, Patrizia Nanz and Madeleine Beaubien Taylor.

U.S. and ‘Them’

A leading voice on welfare reform is accused of racism after he publishes an article linking poverty to "culture." Journal faces calls for retraction.

‘Scholarship, Money and Prose’

Author discusses his new book on scholarly journals and offers advice on getting published.

Eyes on November

Scott McLemee offers a preview of fall 2020 books focused on the presidential campaign.

‘Putting the Humanities Ph.D. to Work’

Author discusses her new book on a topic that has become more difficult but no less important during the pandemic.