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'Seeing the Light'

Samuel Schuman's administrative career included positions as chancellor of two state universities -- the University of Minnesota at Morris and...

'In Search of the Talented Tenth'

In the era before desegregation, Howard University was home to a constellation of black intellectual leaders -- professors who shaped...

'No University Is an Island'

It's been more than a decade since Cary Nelson summed up his views on problems facing higher education in Manifesto...

Open Access Encyclopedias

In the age of Google and Wikipedia, can higher education create online reference works that are free, scholarly, and economically viable?

'The Business of Higher Education'

The notion that colleges need to act more like businesses appeals to many people outside higher education and, especially in...

Survival -- Through Open Access

Utah State University Press, which faced threat of elimination, will continue to operate as a scholarly publisher, but with a new model.

'Art School'

What does it mean to be an art school today? How should art education regroup and evolve in response to...

'Socrates in the Boardroom'

Many professors believe instinctively that their colleges and universities are better off being led by presidents with genuine academic careers...