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The Research Trust

Think of it as Oprah’s Book Club for scholars. Academics may cringe at the comparison, but that is essentially the...

'The Rhetoric of Remediation'

Remedial education has long been a political football on campus -- and far beyond. Universities complain that high schools are...

The Back-Up Plan

Many a successful journal article is published not in the publication where the author first submitted, but in another one...

Anthropology and Racial Politics

Anthropology may loosely be defined as the study of human culture -- but throughout the discipline's history, some cultures have...

Grad School Survival Guide

While most doctoral programs have some sort of orientation, the focus on such matters as required courses, time to degree...

'The Great Brain Race'

American academic leaders are casting a wary eye on developments in higher education in the rest of the world. Will...

New Battleground for Publishers

With demand for online assessment and e-tutoring tools growing, good textbooks alone are no longer enough to win over professors.

'Harnessing America's Wasted Talent'

Peter P. Smith's career in and out of higher education has not followed the straight and narrow. Amid forays into...