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Closing the Book

After seven years of litigation, publishers make peace with Google with sealed agreement, leaving librarians to wonder about implications for research.

'Cheating in College'

Amid recent scandals, authors discuss new book on "why students do it and what educators can do about it."

Marketing to the MOOC Masses

Elsevier will offer free (but basic) digital versions of one of its textbooks to MOOC students through edX, hoping it will drive traditional sales.

Wheelchair Citizenship

There's more to the American past than able-bodied pioneers. Scott McLemee reads A Disability History of the United States.

Not So Fast on 'Open Access'

Arguing that the issues are different in science and humanities publishing, history association urges caution on movement to make journal access free.

Schoolhouse Showdown

A historical study of clashing values in teachers' unions appears as Chicago teachers suspend strike. Scott McLemee asks the author for context.

Wild Kingdom

A paleontologist explores the outer reaches of the evolution of sex in a new book. Scott McLemee feels kind of dirty just thinking about it.

Publishers Double Down

Publishers say they will appeal district court ruling on landmark Georgia State copyright case, raising the stakes on a case that could set bar for fair use and digital library reserves.