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Turning Research Into a Felony

Indiana U says important research on Alzheimer's disease is imperiled by new state abortion law.

When Protests Obstruct Free Speech

Recent incidents at DePaul and UC Irvine raise the question of what obligations a college has to make sure that protesters -- while objecting to an event -- can't shut it down or block its ideas from being heard.

A Firing With Consequences

AAUP investigation finds that -- regardless of what one thinks of Melissa Click's actions -- U of Missouri board endangered academic freedom by firing her without a faculty review.

Professor Cleared and Still Out of a Job

Professor accused of using a slur -- not against an individual -- during a well-intentioned but ill-received classroom discussion about race fails to earn reappointment to tenure track.

Tenure After Teaching Intelligent Design

Controversial Ball State U professor earns tenure despite past allegations that he pushed creationism in the science classroom.

Refusing to Be Measured

Rutgers professors vote a second time to seek access to and limits on use of data from Academic Analytics -- as faculty advocates vow to take such criticism to other campuses.

Free Speech Above All

Minnesota Faculty Senate mulls statement making free speech a “paramount” value, but critics wonder whether the pledge as written condones hate speech. A separate proposed policy would create an on-campus free speech advocate.

A Beloved Professor Fired

Students and alumni at William Carey University want to know why a tenured faculty member was dismissed. Some fear it is because he taught Genesis as divine but not literal.